Boyzshop offers a few ways to place an order with us!
Order by Internet: Just browse the on-line catalog, select the items you wish to add to your shopping cart and enter all the required information on the order form screens.
To Order by Phone: If you don't wish to place your order over the Internet, Boyzshop makes it easy to order by phone.
You may place your order via telephone at 866-363-0676, 714-907-1029.
Please browse our website and gather the item numbers you wish to purchase before calling to place an order with us.
Telephone orders can be paid with Visa®, MasterCard®, or American Express®.
Offline Ordering: To order offline using a check or money order, we recommend the following:
Shop the site and add the items you would like to purchase to your shopping cart. At the time of checkout, enter all of your information and continue to the last step of the checkout process. You can then print your shopping cart as it will show your name, shipping address, your items, the shipping method and price, tax if necessary and the order total.
Send your order print out and payment to:
Boyzshop 18047 Beach Blvd #220 Huntington Beach CA 92648
Please allow 15 business days for your check or money order to clear before we are able to ship your order. If you wish to be notified of when your payment has been received, please include a VALID email address, as all confirmations are sent via email.